Singer Kechi writes as she joins the AsSheIsChallenge

Singer Kechi writes as she joins the AsSheIsChallenge

Singer Kechi writes as she joins the AsSheIsChallenge

Nigerian Singer Kechi took to her social media to write as she joins the assheischallenge

She Said:

#AsSheIsChallenge #AsSheIs •

So this is me as I am- no filters, no wig, no flattering angles, just Kechi in all her battle scars and glory lol… If you’ve followed me from the start you know that I’ve always tried to make it a point to share both the glam and not-so-glam parts of my life on social media, because I don’t want project a false idea of my reality on any platform.
But the truth is, as more and more people follow me, I have started to feel the pressure to always appear perfect and put together online. I can’t explain it, it’s just something that unconsciously happened as I got more and more followers, and I don’t like it.

So I love that @angelicahale tagged me in this challenge. It made me remember why it’s so important to me to always be authentic on all platforms in my life: to remind girls, women and people in general that it is OKAY to not be perfect all the time. Yes, I want to be part of the movement of people that normalize being normal, in real life and online.

So this is me #AsIAm and I wanna tag my bestie @womiye and 1 of my all-time fav artists @yemialade to join me in bringing perspective back to instagram❤️❤️

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